Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Preparing for Persecution

Christians who want to witness to their non-Christian friends and family members prefer not to.  One reason: Christians’ longing to honor God through witness is diluted by their fear of an angry or cold response.  This fear is real.  We fear persecution.  Oh, not the kind where we will be martyred or beaten.  But we know the cold stare, the snarling sarcasm or the snicker. 

So we excuse our silence with, “I do not want to drive them away from God.”   Or we may imagine, “If I said it better.”  Some ask, “How do I explain my faith without getting a negative reaction.”

The honest thing to say to that question is, “Prepare for persecution.”  Jesus assured His followers they would suffer persecution.  What are we to make of Jesus’ prediction?  He never said, “If you were really committed, you would face it bravely.” Witnessing without fear is a catchy title, but not the typical experience of most Christian witnesses.

So how do we deal with persecution?

See www.missionevangelism.org.  Click on Training Modules.  Then click on “Preparing for Persecution.”

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