Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Inviting the Unchurched

Inviting the unchurched to church may be the first steps toward their conversion.  At one time common wisdom was, “Lead a person to Jesus and he will come to church.”  Now we tend to see people attending a church event, observing a worship service and participating in a small group fellowship before becoming a Christian.  The fellowship offered by the congregation is understood to be a significant “means of grace.”

A barrier stands in the way of more people coming to faith in Christ.  The obstacle is our church people.  They experience an uneasiness about inviting the unchurched to church. Meanwhile polls indicate people want to be asked to church.  They want to be wanted and to feel included.  They want to be asked but not pressured.  Asking them multiple times is okay with them.  They want to think about the invitation. The pressure comes when we say, “You ought” or “You should.”

For more information on inviting the unchurched visit http://usacanadaregion.org/church-renewal. Click  on "Training Modules" and then on "Inviting the Unchurched."

Contributed by Dr. Lyle Pointer

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