Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Raising the Joy Level

Certain occasions jump with joy. Graduations, weddings, first full -time job, birth of babies, a person deciding to follow Jesus.  Then there is the rest of life.  The routine may move into monotony.  The pressures of finances, misunderstandings and unreasonable expectations syphon off the excitement and enthusiasm we formerly experienced.

The same kinds of things happen in a congregation.  Conflict arises.  Our favorite pastor leaves for another assignment.  The dreams of a growing church slide into the drudgery of trying to sustain the programs that used to be effective.  Months melt into years.  The numbers of people recede like a man’s hairline.  Empty chairs increase in spite of the desperation of prayers.  

How do we address the morale of a congregation?  What is the level of your congregation’s morale?  Would it help to take a Morale Inventory to see what can be addressed?  What if the leadership team or the congregation studied “Raising the Morale of the Plateaued Congregation”?

Go to www.usacanadaregion.org/training-moduleshttp://www.usacanadaregion.org/training-modules

Scroll down to “Raising the Morale of the Plateaued Congregation.”

Contributed by Dr. Lyle Pointer

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