Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Managing Change In The Local Church

Every pastor/leader wants to make changes and have those changes embraced by their congregations.  More changes would be implemented if the leadership team were confident about the outcomes and how they would be viewed by folks in the church.  The measure of risk, the uncertainty and the stress involved serve as obstacles to faster change and the betterment of circumstances and of ministries.

The looming possibility of failure impedes change as well.  What if our idea bombs?  What will be lost?  How will change be regarded later? More questions and fears arise.  These are not imagined concerns.  They are real.

So how do we affect positive change any way? Find out at usacanadaregion.org/church-renewal.  Click on Training Modules, then on Managing Change in the Local Church.

Contributed by Dr. Lyle Pointer