Monday, December 15, 2014

Don't Waste Your Christmas

This coming Sunday is the Sunday before Christmas, and while this is an amazing day for the church to celebrate the birth of Christ, it is also an opportunity for the church to boldly proclaim the good news to those who are unchurched.  Unfortunately, in many churches this will be a missed opportunity.

Statistics continue to declare that we are increasingly surrounded by the unchurched.  One of the latest articles I read from the Barna Group reports that there are roughly 156 million U.S. adults and children who are churchless.  That is a staggering number!  If they were a nation, they would be the eighth largest nation in the world!  And you can bet that there are thousands from my community and yours that contribute to that number.

While those numbers are alarming, I still find reason for hope.  I see evidence that many of the unchurched around us are still open to an invitation to church, especially at Christmas.  According to a study conducted by LifeWayResearch, “91 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas, including a majority of atheists, individuals claiming other religions, and agnostics or those with no religious preference.”  In addition to that, Dr. Thom Rainer writes that, “Eighty-two percent of the unchurched are at least somewhat likely to attend church if invited."  What an amazing opportunity!

This past Sunday at One Life Church where I pastor, we had our annual Children’s Christmas Program.  It is one of the highest attended Sundays of the year and there are a high percentage of unchurched people in attendance.  I always take time to present the gospel even though I know most people are there to hear the kids instead of me.  This past Sunday six people responded to the message by accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior!  Five out of six were individuals who were there because a friend invited them.

Christmas only comes around once a year; don’t miss this amazing opportunity to reach the unchurched.  Who should you invite to this Sunday’s Christmas service?  How about:
  • Those who used to go to church, but no longer attend.
  • Those who don’t attend church consistently.
  • Those who have never attended church.

This Sunday we will celebrate Christmas.  It’s an amazing opportunity to point people to the Savior who was born for them.

“…for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”  (Luke 2:11 NASB; italics mine)

Check out other helpful articles and tools on Vibrant Church Renewal and Evangelism.

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